Zev Wiener, MD
California In-Home Telepsychiatry
Free Online Mental Health Support Group
Navigating the world of mental health is challenging. Especially when you're doing it alone.
To try to help more people who are struggling, I have hosted a free anonymous Zoom support group on select Wednesday nights. This group is open to you, whether you are a patient of mine or not, if you have questions about mental health or just want to spend some relaxed time with other people who care.
There's no agenda or set topic. No lecture. No registration. No need to speak up or identify yourself if you don't want to. Just an attempt to help each other however we can.
-I am glad to try to answer general questions pertaining to mental health or to discuss topics that are on people's minds (e.g., diagnoses; medications / therapy; causes of illnesses, etc). You can submit questions by emailing in advance, typing them into the chat bar, or asking them verbally.
-When you login to Zoom, you have an option to type in your name that others will see, and to "mute" your camera. You are welcome to remain anonymous by keeping your camera muted and providing an alias, but I can't take any responsibility for system lapses in anonymity.
-Please keep in mind that whether you are a patient in my practice or not, I am not functioning as anyone's physician through this service. Professional guidance and formal medical advice should always be obtained from your personal doctor or therapist. Similarly, I am not able to assist anyone who is in acute crisis in this setting (e.g., thoughts of self-harm, harm towards others, etc). If you are experiencing these, please call 911 immediately.
-If you have any questions, please email office@zevwienermd.com.
Next session: Please call or email us for date and login info